Tiku Weds Sheru Review-cricketmovie.com

Tiku Weds Sheru Review: This dark satire on film industry strugglers is pathetic and poor in every aspect
Tiku Weds Sheru Movie Rating: 1 Star

Just watched Tiku Weds Sheru movie on Prime Video. Let’s focus on the complete details, story, positive/negatives and at last my personal view on this movie.

Cast: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Avneet Kaur, Mukesh Bhatt, Kushi Bhardwaj and Vipin Sharma
Director: Sai Kabir
Release Date: 23rd June 2023 on Prime Video

Story: Movie revolves around Sheru (Nawazuddin Siddiqui) and Tiku (Avneet Kaur) who are marginalized souls from the underprivileged strata of society. They are ambitious for a better life, but life has different plans for them.

Shiraz Afghani aka Sheru thinks he’s the cat’s whiskers and hams every time he’s in front of the camera. As he tries to make it big, he works as a pimp to survive, though earnest to leave that life behind. Being semi-literate, he works as a pimp for a local don Shahid Bhai (Vipin Sharma) and also as a junior artist as a decoy job, where he finds girls for his pimping business with fellow junior artist Anand (Mukesh Bhatt).

On the other hand, Tiku is a fierce and spoilt girl from Bhopal with a flair for writing poetry who wants to escape her misogynistic family and become a superstar. Her big ticket to Bollywood comes in the form of Sheru, who pretends to be a film financier. The duo gets married because Sheru gets a dowry that he can use to pay off a loan shark.

The story is about how they navigate through life in Tinseltown and become a family. But their lives turn upside down when Sheru is arrested as he takes to drug peddling, Tiku tries to make it big in the industry and is embroiled in the same ugly world.

1. Performances
2. Few Dialogues

1. Story
2. Climax
3. Direction
4. Music
5. Screenplay

Durgesh Tiwary’s View: When I watched the trailer of this film planned to watch this movie in my free time as trailer looks good in parts.

This is the story of two wannabe actors with silver-screen dreams in a marriage of convenience. As they are forced to “compromise” to survive in Bollywood, they find love in each other. Will they make it big with each other’s support?

Tiku Weds Sheru had the scope and potential to dig deep and offer a fresh and unique perspective into the journey of two individuals wanting to achieve their dreams. Instead, it meanders into the safe space of ticking the obvious boxes. You know what to expect from a movie based on Bollywood, especially on the life of junior or background artistes trying to make it big in the ruthless world. The film’s narrative and Sai Kabir’s direction suffer from a lack of cohesion and flow. It’s the love story of two ‘strugglers’ in part and about what junior artistes face in the name of getting the big break. Often, the screenplay does not do justice to either theme. Tiku gets pregnant with someone else’s child, whom Sheru accepts quite readily seems a bit unconvincing. Sheru stealing the production car and using it more than once is also not digestible. It is strange how Tiku never finds out that Sheru is not as rich as he pretends to be.

Story of this film is clichéd and very juvenile. Screenplay fails to hide the loose ends and flaws in the plot. The writers add too many tracks and issues, and the end result is a mess. Direction is poor and from the first scene, one can sense that the direction is not upto the mark. In the later scenes, however, the film does get a bit interesting, especially the circumstances under which Tiku and Sheru get married. It’s still unconvincing but at least, it catches attention. Tiku finding out that she’s pregnant is quite dramatic as also what happens thereafter. The drug angle is forced. Tiku’s struggles also seem very unconvincing, and depressing. In fact, several developments are bewildering and are not explained properly by the makers. The baby angle is needless and was added just for the heck of it. This is evident by the fact that this angle becomes inconsequential towards the end.

In fact, the content of the films falls to another level in the climax. The cross-dressing and cross-firing simply made zero sense. You will wonder who on earth approved such sub-standard script in the first place. The film has a unique setting and an interesting idea on paper. But it’s the flawed execution that prevents it from ever taking off. Overall, movie is an avoidable fare due to its silly plot and amateur direction. It will be remembered as worst movie of Nawazuddin Siddiqui career. My view on this movie Not Recommended.

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