College Romance 4

College Romance 4 Review: Final season celebrates the enduring bond of friendship and the resilience as they embrace the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead
College Romance 4 Web Series Rating: 2.5 Stars

Just watched College Romance 4 Web Series on Sony >LIV. So, let’s analyze the cast, release date, story, positive/negatives and at last my personal view on this web series.

Cast: Apoorva Arora, Gagan Arora, Keshav Sadhna, Shreya Mehta, Nupur Nagpal, Eklavey Kashyap and Jhanvi Rawat
Director: Robbie Grewal
Release Date: 14th July 2023 on Sony LIV
Duration: 5 Episodes/ 25 Minutes

Story: This is 4th and final season of College Romance series. It delves into the aspirations and dreams of the group of friends, highlighting individual struggles, hopes, and fears. The season picks up from where the previous one left off, with Deepika (Shreya Mehta) torn between her feelings for Raavie (Jahnvi Rawat) and Harry (Eklavey Kashyap) after their kiss.

Karan (Keshav Sadhna) and Dhatapriya aka DP (Nupur Nagpal) and Bagga (Gagan Arora) and Naira (Apoorva Arora) are deeply in love but also confused about how their love lives will be affected after college.

Naira and Karan have clear plans for further studies, while Bagga and Deepika have business aspirations for their post-college lives. However, despite their goals, they all feel lost and uncertain about what the future holds. These five episodes capture the bittersweet moments of farewells, graduations, and new beginnings as the friends bid farewell to their beloved college and embark on the next chapter of their lives.

1. Excellent Performances
2. Story
3. Direction
4. Screenplay

1. Length
2. Unnecessary subplots
3. Repetitive & Dragged at some places
4. Trippy

Durgesh Tiwary’s View: When I watched the trailer of this web-series, planned to watch this series in my free time as loved previous 3 parts of this TVF series and this one look interesting.

In the final season, the focus shifts toward the future and the after-college plans of the group of friends. As they near graduation, each character begins to contemplate their career paths, personal goals, and the changes that lie ahead.

College Romance 4 gets more serious, with the protagonists supporting and inspiring each other while discovering their passions. The enduring strength of College Romance lies in its portrayal of the friendship between the characters. They stand by each other through thick and thin, and this trait is preserved in the last season. The relatable narrative resonates with viewers as the characters transition from college life to the real world. However, the script could have benefited from more humour to boost the overall entertainment value. Their chemistry is evident, and each actor delivers an outstanding performance. By this point, fans following the series are strongly committed to the characters’ journey, which has been well-developed across all seasons. In addition, there’s a surprise appearance that’s well worth the wait.

However, Season 4 lacks the show’s trademark quirky one-liners. The screenplay, on the other hand, is well-paced and strikes a decent balance between light and serious situations. As compared to the previous three seasons of the series, this season fails to capture the true essence of friendship and young love during college days. The performances and storyline fall short, lacking relatability. The series does not evoke nostalgia for college days. Breakups and reconciliations lack impact, and character development seemed insufficient.

Overall, the final season of series celebrates the enduring bond of friendship and the resilience of these characters as they embrace the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead. Without a doubt, this season is emotionally packed, but it also serves as a fitting conclusion to the series. Also, the series, heartwarming and coming-of-age though it is, will appeal only to a certain section of young adults particularly. My view on this web-series is Recommended.

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