An Action Hero On

An Action Hero Review: A good satirical action film boast on unique concept and climax
An Action Hero Movie Rating: 3 Stars

Finally watched An Action Hero movie on Netflix. Let’s focus on the complete details, story, positive/negatives and at last my personal view on this movie.

Cast: Ayushmann Khurrana, Jaideep Ahlawat and Harsh Chhaya
Director: Anirudh Iyer
Release Date: 2nd December 2022 in Cinemas & digital premiere from 27th January 2023 on Netflix

Story: Movie revolves around Maanav (Ayushmann Khurrana) who is a popular Bollywood film star known for doing action movies. For his upcoming film, he goes to the village of Mandothi, Haryana. Vicky Solanki (Sumit Singh), a local politician visits the sets to meet Maanav and click a picture with him and hoping that it’ll help him in the upcoming elections.

Maanav keeps him waiting. Later, Maanav is all set to meet him when his manager Roshan (Harsh Chhaya) informs him that the Mustang car that he has been waiting to buy for a long time has finally arrived. He gets excited and for instead of meeting him goes for a drive. He falls on a pointed stone and dies during confront.

Scared to death, he runs away to London. In no time, news of Manav being Vicky’s murderer and of his running away to London make it to the headlines of all television news channels. On the other hand in Mandothi, Vicky’s elder brother Bhura Solanki (Jaideep Ahlawat), a dreaded politician cum goon is seething with rage. He wants to kill Maanav as he believes that he murdered his brother. He too flies to the London to kill him.

What happens when Bhoora and Manav confronts? Is Manav able to prove his innocence? Or do the London police arrest him on behalf of the Indian police? Or is he arrested in India?

1. Excellent Performances
2. Story
3. Climax
4. Direction

1. Music
2. Length
3. Screenplay
4. Unnecessary Sub-plots

Durgesh Tiwary’s View: When I watched the trailer of this film planned to watch this movie on digital premiere because skipped theatrical release as movie look good in parts only.

At the age of just 30, Maanav was at the peak of his career when he got caught up in an accident while filming in Haryana. Maanav, who was once a household name, is now living in hiding.

An Action Hero story is quite different from the usual commercial potboilers. However, it is not clear to the audience why an A-list star would escape to London, especially after he is sure that Vicky’s death was an accident rather than a murder at his hands. With his status and connections, wouldn’t it have been easier for him to surrender before the police? For instance, Bhura is so livid that one would imagine, he’d kill Manav at the first given opportunity. However, he instead challenges Manav to defeat him in a one-on-one, throwing his revolver away. Manav does the same much later when he can eliminate Bhura. The track of underworld don Masood Abraham Katkar looked far-fetched and forced. Another major flaw is the casting of Ayushmann Khurrana in an out-and-out action role which goes against his image. Several usual ingredients of a commercial film, like romance and mass-appealing comedy are absent. In fact, there’s no heroine in the film. Also, the film moves on one track only.

Performances wise everyone did a great job. Direction is good as then debut-making director knows the craft of filmmaking. The twist in the last 30 minutes also adds to the fun. Not everything in the plot adds up and you wish the film was tighter, but it does have a fair dose of action and comedy backed with good performances. Overall, a witty and clever film keeping a healthy mix of satire, action and comedy to keep one entertained most of the times. Cinematic liberties have been taken for sure and the treatment is definitely over the top. My view on this movie Recommended

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